
Dermabrasion is a skin care procedure that refines the skin texture by removing its outermost layers.

Understanding Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is an exfoliating technique that uses a rotating instrument to remove the outer layers of your skin, usually on the face. This treatment aims to improve the smoothness and appearance of the skin.

The procedure is popular among individuals looking for solutions to various skin issues such as wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, and uneven texture. Dermatologists or plastic surgeons typically perform dermabrasion but it can also be done in a medical spa setting.

How Dermabrasion Works

During a dermabrasion procedure, an experienced professional will numb your skin with anesthetics. They will then use a special high-speed instrument with an abrasive surface to remove the outer layers of your facial skin and improve its contour.

As your skin heals from this process, smoother and fresher-looking new skin replaces the older layer which improves overall complexion and texture.

Benefits of Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion's primary benefit lies in its ability to refresh your aesthetic appearance by treating deep lines and wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, uneven pigmentation, or even precancerous patches called keratoses. It can also eliminate or reduce lip lines or smoker's lines and tattoo scars.

It's worth noting that while dermabrasion offers excellent results for surface level issues, deeper imperfections might require more invasive procedures like laser resurfacing or fillers.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dermabrasion?

While dermabrasion can be an excellent skin treatment option, it's not suitable for everyone. It is best for individuals with fair skin. People who have darker skin might experience discoloration or blotchiness after the procedure.

Also, those with active acne, burn scars, or a history of radiation treatments in the facial area should also avoid this procedure due to possible complications.

In essence, understanding your skin type and discussing your aesthetic goals with a skincare professional are crucial steps before considering dermabrasion.

Aftercare and Recovery

Post-treatment care plays a significant role in achieving optimal dermabrasion results. Once the treated area starts to heal, it may appear pinkish or red and feel sensitive – similar to sunburn. Additionally, some swelling may occur.

Protecting your new skin from the sun until full color returns is essential to prevent pigmentation issues. Moisturizing and avoiding abrasive skincare products can support faster recovery.

Dermabrasion serves as an efficient solution for various aesthetic skincare needs while providing noticeable improvements in facial appearance.

Book your appointment today

If you would like to learn more about our comprehensive aesthetic skin care options, call or text 480-933-2328 to schedule your initial consultation with Nancy Park, RN, BSN.


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Book your appointment with Nancy Park, RN, BSN
Nancy Park, RN, BSN
Certified Aesthetic Nurse